Robin Lopez

Created July 13 2020

Robin is a man with a pussy. Unfortunately you can't add a vagina to the male model in Honey Select, so this was the best I could do. 18 years old 5'2 135 pounds Robin is your average latino-american emo highschool senior. Like most highschoolers, he's had a pretty weird and confusing time growing up, but even more so than others because of his body. He's had some bad experiences with just about everyone so he's afraid to open up to people. His cold exterior and lack of emotion is his way of keeping people away and avoiding getting hurt. But he can be pretty bad at hiding his emotions when he gets really excited. He's still trying to figure out who he wants to be and what he likes so he's pretty open to the idea of just about anything sexually. One of his few friends, his childhood friend Max, often times asks him for sexual favors. Robin generally doesn't mind this at all, but only to a certain extent. Max is well known for being a mischievous troublemaker, but deep down he cares deeply about Robin.

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