4chan Beaver Posts

Created September 26 2021

On 4chan circa 2015-2016, before my time on 4chan, there was a Beaver OP who wrote many interesting essays on several topics like rights, power, money, etc. I decided to revisit them, upon finding more than last time, and create an album of all the screencapped essays for posterity. I recommend reading it, definitely worth the intellectual depth it has. I recommend reading the essays in order of appearance, first to last. The order is chronological as best as I could do. Note: Some of the essays are also more recent than 2015-2016. Also, "On democracy" may be out of chronological order due to having no clear date. On another note, "On Institutional Revisionism" likely is not the original beaver poster, but I thought it was worth including nonetheless. Edit: compiled version of the Beaver's writings (presumably by the author) is available here: https://pdfhost.io/v/3z7xwRUjw_Thoughts_of_a_Beaver

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