The Lockdown Flyers

Created April 16 2021

Please feel free to share, use, and distribute these however you see fit. These flyers would ideally serve at least three purposes: 1) informing those who are willing to learn, 2) let our like-minded neighbours know they are not alone, and, 3) embolden our like-minded neighbours to speak out and resist these tyrannical lockdown measures. Continue to check this folder for new and updated flyers. And please note that, most, if not all, of the claims made in these flyers *are* backed up by science, history, political science/philosophy, and/or, news articles/social media (in the case of pointing out lies by politicians and the mainstream media). There might be details which have minor inaccuracies, and there might be some claims which are opinion (based in science/history/political science/etc.), but the general big picture *is* accurate, to the best of our knowledge.

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