--_004_439C4A6D75A548009B376FBCED0543F4cagoldberglawcom_ Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_439C4A6D75A548009B376FBCED0543F4cagoldberglawcom_" --_000_439C4A6D75A548009B376FBCED0543F4cagoldberglawcom_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable To Whom It May Concern; Attached please find a DMCA takedown notice for infringing materials hosted= on catbox.moe. Please resolve this matter and notify me that the content = has been removed. Adam G. Massey, Associate C. A. Goldberg, PLLC 16 Court Street, Suite 2500 Brooklyn, NY 11241 646.666.8908 E: Adam@cagoldberglaw.com www.cagoldberglaw.com Check out the profile of our firm in the December 5, 2016 edition of The Ne= w Yorker! This email and any annexed attachments is intended for the person to whom i= t is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential= or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recip= ient please respond immediately to the sender and delete and destroy the or= iginal message and all copies and attachments, and you are further notified= that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this = information is strictly prohibited. --_000_439C4A6D75A548009B376FBCED0543F4cagoldberglawcom_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-ID: Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
To= Whom It May Concern;

Attached please find a DMCA takedown notice for infringing = materials hosted on catbox.moe.  Please resolve this matter and n= otify me that the content has been removed.

Adam G. Massey, Associate&nb= sp;
C. A. Goldberg, PLLC
16 Court Street, Suite 2500
Brooklyn, NY 11241
E:  Adam@cagoldberglaw.com 

Check out the = profile of our firm in the December 5, 2016 edition of The New Yorker!

This email and any annexed attachments is intended = for the person to whom it is addressed and may contain informatio= n that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure.  If you are not the intended recipient ple= ase respond immediately to the sender and delete and destroy the = original message and all copies and attachments, and you are further n= otified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the = contents of this information is strictly prohibited. 

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